Friday 15 February 2008

Lady Saw Interview


Born and raised in Jamaica Lady Saw has a career spanning numerous years.
With a unique flow and tracks that are literally fire the Reggae star is bound to hit big time with her newest release.
Featuring addictive tracks like “Chat to Mi Back” and “Walk Out” I recommend everyone check her out!
I caught up with the Star just last week to get a breakdown of what’s new in her world and to see how the Australian tour has been going.

You were born and raised in Jamaica, give us a run down of what lifewas like for you growing up?

Growing up in Jamaica in my district of Gallina was wonderful but thenwe moved away to Kingston and that was the worst part of my life. Dontneed to go into details but ghetto life wasn't for me. How old where you when you first realised your musical talent?At the age of 13-14 when I was in church, I reaslised that I loved tosing and people would tell me I sounded real good. Outside of church Iwould make up songs and remember the words and sing them over and overagain. From there I was fascintaed with the dancehall scenen andstarted to record music and take the mic in dances and literally clashwith men, hence I got the name Lady Saw, cut I would cut the men up onthe mic.

Had music always been something you wanted to pursue?

Yes, even from young age.

You released your first LP back in 1994, did you ever expect that release was the beginning of a brilliant musical venture?

Yes, but even at that time I never imagined I would eventually win agrammy (for my collabo with No Doubt) or travel to so many counrtiesaround the world.

How do you feel you have developed as an artist over the years?

When I first came out I was a singer, but I noticed it wasn't gettingme big recognition. Once I started singing very slack with sexuallyrics then I really bust big. If you listen to al of my albums younotice that even with the explicit lyrics I still have a soft sidewhen I sing, my music has become more personal over the years aswell.

Your style is very much your own and you lyrically bring heat everytrack! If you were asked however, how would you define your musicalstyle?

My stlye ranges from raw and hardcore dancehall to gospel, soit has a range that can't be summed up into one. The track "Chat To Mi Back" has been a huge hit!

Give us a breakdown of what the track is about?

It's a bad gyal song, instead of gettingphysical with a girl and fighting it's like saying chat to the hand...but in this case to mi back. It says that I am not one to be messedwith so we can still take it there, LOL...

You have worked with some big names during your career, who has been the most interesting person you have worked with since you first started out back in the day?

Although I have worked with people like Foxy Brown, No Doubt, MissyElliott and Funkmaster Flex the most interesting artists I have everworked with is the people we are on tour with right now. They are outof Australia, the Lilypond crew... They really know how to party and have fun and have exotic costumes and a real wild vibe.

Having been in the music industry for over 10 years now you have vastexperience and knowledge of who's hot and who's not, who are you rocking to right now?

I listen to everything and have a love for allgenres of music, I like Alicia Keys and mostly R & B. I also listen tomy own music most of the time, I have a new song on the Truck Backlabel on the Gear Box riddim called Lord Lord Lord and while on tourit gives me a lot of inspiration.

You also do song production right?

Yes, I have my own label calledHalls Production and have released riddims.

Right now you are slap bang in the middle of an Australia Tour, how's that going for you?

Have you been getting a good response?

It's going real good, Australia is a beautiful place and the people weare touring with are a lot of fun. As for the fans, the response hasbeen overwhelming. There are long time fans that know all my songs andare very familiar with my music and fans that never heard me beforebut still come out and enjoy my performance. They have an overallappreciation for music and live performances so even if they don'tknow of me they still just dance and party while I am working.

Do you have any other tours planned?

There are spot dates all over from Guyana in May to St Thomas inAugust that have been confirmed and more in between but as for longtours like this maybe something is in the works.

What can the fans expect from LADY SAW in 2008?

Well, I have been consistent over the span of my career so fans canexpect some more raw tunes and also some singing but I really want tohave a baby now so who knows, the sky is my limit.

Any Shout's?

To all my fans and friends all over the world thatsupport me and send me love. To my family in Jamaica and abroad, andfor anyone that wants to link me, I have a myspace page that I checkwhen I can...


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