Sunday 13 April 2008

JA Interview


J.A. is an artist who started in the game at a young age and now raps as well as producing. He has been based in several areas of the US, but is now repping the South and is working with the likes of Young Buck and Young Jeezy. With plans for an LP release this year check out what he had to say to Danielle.

You have moved around a lot in your life, do you feel this shows through your music?

J.A.: I think so, I have lived in Washington D.C., NY, ATL, spent a lot of time in Chicago, and they all have big impacts on me when I create. Even in the music I rap, you can’t tell too hard where I come from. You hear different accents and slang usage here and there.

Tell us about the “On The Grind” mix-tape series?

Ja: On The Grind is a mix tape series I created back in the end of 2004. I wanted to make a series that was dedicated to the “behind the scenes” that artists go trough. On the grind is for real.

You also do production right? Who have you worked with on this?

J.A.: I do production. I have officially done tracks for Juelz Sanata, Purple City, Freekey Zeekey, and a bunch of other NY niggas I can’t think of, and Young Buck most recently.

You won a production contest also, man that must have been a great accomplishment, how did that make you feel?

J.A.: It was cool. It was nice to have a validation from a producer you used to look up to...

Is it true you are currently making beats for the likes of Young Jeezy and Young Buck?

J.A.: Yeah, I’m in the lab heavy for Young Buck right now, we got a lot of songs done. He introduced me to Jeezy, so I’m trying to make a few things crack for him too.

How would you define your musical style?

J.A.: My musical style is whatever I’m feeling at the moment, it’s definitely Southern oriented I wont lie, but it can change at the drop of a dime with no problem. It’s most definitely street music.

What other projects are you currently working on?

J.A.: Right now I’m just going hard for Young Buck, I have my own album I’m completing at the same time. I have another artist from D.C., Raydugga, gettin some things done with me. He’s the next Jay-Z, for real.

Do you have your own album planned any time soon?

J.A.: Yeah. My album entitled “Get Money Music” is coming this year for sure, I’m just making sure it’s 100% tight on all ends.

Having worked with so great names in music every one must have been a great influence but who has been the most inspiring and why?

J.A.: There are few that really inspire me, to name some, would be Twisted Black, he’s a aritst out of Fort Worth Texas, he just got a long ass sentence. Another is Mac, he’s serving some time too unfortunately. I hate that my favourite rappers I relate to get locked up.

You started within music at an early age, do you feel this really gave you an advantage to be able to progress your talent from such a young age?

J.A.: Yes and no. No matter what age you are, what age you start, it’s all about what you do and how smart you do it. You can be 30 doing this shit or be 12 and make the same moves, it’s all about “right now”.

Where would you like to be in five years time?

J.A.: In five years I hope to be a tleast five million euros richer. Living real good.

Any Shout’s?

J.A.: Shout out to Danielle for keeping it real and of course!


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